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Top 5 mistakes microblading technicians make with topical anesthetics

Posted on April 24 2019

Title: Top 5 mistakes microblading technicians make with topical anesthetics

 Microblading (also called Eyebrow Embroidery) is a semi-permanent procedure that’s categorized as cosmetic tattooing. While this makeup procedure is done only by the best microblading technicians, many physicians make some common mistakes when performing microblading on a client’s face.

 Here are the 5 common mistakes that most permanent makeup (PMU) techs make quite often:

  1. Using low-quality anesthetics: Some PMU techs buy inexpensive anesthetics for performing microblading but these cheap anesthetics are also low quality and can be very risky to use - since these can cause an allergic reaction or side effect on a client’s skin. A technician must understand that they will be held liable for any product they use on a client’s skin. A side effect or allergic reaction may leave them with legal issues, meanwhile it may even spoil their clinic’s reputation.
  1. Following a bad technique: There is a proper technique of using a numbing cream for better result and lasting effect. However, many technicians make use of poor occlusion technique and don’t even prep the skin before applying the topical anesthetic on the skin. A technician must understand the importance of skin quality analysis, skin prep, and time of application before beginning with the process. Utilizing heat helps in deeper penetration of the numbing cream. Moreover, appropriate layering and timing also play a crucial role in getting the better aesthetic effect.
  1. Using single blends: Usually, technicians make a mistake of using only one single numbing cream. However, it is best to blend two or more numbing creams with active ingredients to create a powerful and long-lasting numbing effect on sensitive areas like the face. Just like any other makeup or cosmetic process, anesthetics is a combination of art and science. It also requires a blend of several high-quality ingredients for creating better numbing effect altogether.
  1. Using less dose/product: A specific dose or amount of product needs to be given to a patient or client for achieving the best numbing effect. When techs don’t apply enough product, it naturally won’t create the desired numbing effect. When you want to get a better numbing effect, it is best to apply a thick layer of a topical anesthetic to create enough heat for penetration into the skin and maximum numbness, leave it there for an hour or so and then wash it off before heading for the sitting with the technician.


  1. Pre numbing the skin: If a technician do not pre-numb the skin of their client, the patient/client will enter an anxious and over adrenalized state, even though they might appear calm on the outside. It is a natural autonomic response for pain and this response cannot be controlled. During this state, the cortisol levels rapidly increase while reducing the healing ability and catabolize the tissues. Once this anxiety state is triggered, it will take around three hours to get back to the normal state. To avoid this situation, it is best to pre-numb the skin properly and to make the client relax through first pass technique.



 The professional PMU techs must make use of the best topical anesthetics to keep their client, as well as their business safe from an allergic reaction or legal issues. Make use of only the FDA approved products. Using the best and high-quality products will earn PMU techs the respect from their clients and help build their reputation.

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