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Why NumbSkin? Reviews Tell You All

Posted on May 22 2019


Many customers have sworn by the efficiency of NumbSkin when it comes to dealing with tattoo pain.)

NumbSkin has been designed to dull pain and discomfort in tattooing, piercing, waxing and other skin processes that hurt. It contains 5% lidocaine and keeps the skin numb for a couple of hours.

It is easy to use and doesn’t cause any adverse effects.

No wonder that we have the positive feedback of thousands of customers who are amazed by the efficiency of NumbSkin. Here we have rounded some of them.


“I used NumbSkin to have my whole right arm & across the top of my back tattooed. I originally started the tattoo without anything, but when the artist got to my elbow, it was a pain like no other tattoo I have ever had, & I have about a dozen of them randomly all over my body...Including my hand & foot. I bought the NumbSkin, after days of researching other numbing products, & I can honestly say... It was well worth the money! I left it wrapped for about 1.5 hrs before the process started, & had him start with my elbow (it needed redone because the pain was too unbearable the 1st time & made the tattoo artist nervous, which caused him to try to rush through & the ink didn't hold right). When he started, I literally felt NOTHING! I even had to ask him if the needle was going into the skin. lol He was able to do from my elbow to my hand, & about half the section on my back before the cream started wearing off. I WILL be using this product again to get the piece on my ribs done.... & really any tattoo I get from here on out. The only thing I didn't do, which I know better now, I shouldn't have put the cream on my arm & back at the same time. I should've waited til I got to the shop to apply to my back, that way it could've been setting in while my arm was being done...Which would've helped it last to the end of the session.!

It IS well worth the money! Especially for tattoos!!”

  • Davina Marie

Thumbs Up for an Outstanding Customer Service…

“I would say that Numbskin representatives are very helpful. They let me ask questions and they explained everything in a very simple and understandable manner. This is my first time to use Numbskin Topical Anesthetic Cream - although my first time to use numbing cream in general. They made me feel comfortable on how to manage pain during and after my treatment.. I would give these representatives two thumbs up!”

  • Barbara Chambers

A Safe Tattoo Numbing Cream…

The site is helpful and complete. From FAQ's, reviews, testimonials, tips, etc are all educational. I just placed an order. My only concern earlier is my skin. I was given an assurance that this Numbskin numbing cream works on all skin types and it's hypoallergenic, it can work on sensitive skin. If that's the case then I have nothing to worry at all...

I'm really worried at first since I have a very sensitive skin. I always get skin rashes. I did skin test first. Luckily it went well. My skin did not react so I am really grateful that I can always use Numbskin Topical Anesthetic Cream anytime, anywhere!

  • Matthew

“Although I already inquired last time and asked all possible questions I need to know about Numbskin Cream, the final answer will come from the product itself. No sugar coated answer coming from the agents but the cream will just speak for itself. Here's my comment about the product: Although I didn't see the product first since I was just looking at the product online plus I paid it first before it was delivered to me, for me it's all worth it. I got the service I deserve and most importantly Numbskin Cream is very efficient. I just experienced a painless tattoo and I'm absolutely happy.”

  • William Liam Austria

No Need to Bear the Pain When NumbSkin Can Drive it Away…

“I'm proud to say that Numbskin is very helpful. The cream has a good quality. It's non-sticky, non-oily, non-greasy. It's comfortable on skin during and even after application. It reacts fast and longer lasting as well. I did not worry during my session I can feel it myself that I am okay and I do not feel any pain at all. Numbskin changed my point of view.. I would say why would I endure the pain if there is Numbskin Cream?”

  • Archer

It Vanishes All Fear of Pain in Tattooing…

“I'm still kinda anxious when we started the session but things changed when he's already doing something on my back but I'm not getting hurt. I just told him to just continue with what he's doing and make it sure that it will all be pretty and beautiful after. It was a long session but for me it didn't matter at all since I got the art I want. I wish I could attach the picture here.. I'm so happy and I would like to personally thank numbskin for the cream.. AGAIN, THANKS NUMBSKIN FOR THE CREAM!

  • Lauren

So these are the customer reviews that show how powerful NumbSkin is.

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